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Film 127 Hours 2k Watch Online Dubbed

This blog post covers the movie. It provides information on who made it, when, and about the director. It also includes a review of the movie and a list of its awards. ## 127 Hours is a biographical drama film written and directed by Danny Boyle, starring James Franco as real-life canyoneer Aron Ralston. It was released on November 5, 2010 to critical acclaim. The film is based on the book Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Aron Ralston. In early 2003, near Blue John Canyon in Utah's Canyonlands National Park, he got his right arm trapped by an 800 pounds (360 kilograms) boulder while canyoneering alone off-trail from the Canyon Rim Trail. For 143 hours (4 days, 11 hours) at least, he tried to loosen the boulder to no avail. He made several trips back to his camp, located 150 yards away down a canyon, each time leaving blood on the rocks. Finally, realizing that he might not survive the night or that he could be there for months or years waiting for help to come, he decided to take drastic measures by amputating his right arm with what was left of his blunt pocketknife. Ralston described his experience in this way: "I took a deep breath and started cutting through the soft tissue above my wrist, first crosswise and then lengthwise again and again until I had cut through all of it. The pain was excruciating and I screamed. I think I passed out for a couple of seconds and woke up when the pain hit me, my hand deep in a pool of blood...It didn't work. I couldn't cut through the radius bone so I just gave up. It would be over in days, anyway." He then had to spend hours breaking his arm into pieces that he could then pull out from under the boulder. According to Ralston's account in his memoir "Between a Rock and a Hard Place", he was hiking alone in Blue John Canyon in Utah's Canyonlands National Park when a boulder became dislodged and fell on his right arm. He yelled, and a man named Chris Urubko came to his aid. Ralston was rescued and taken to the hospital where he underwent 10 days of surgery and numerous surgeries over the next seven months to reattach his arm. Brooks was invited by Boyle to audition for the part after she had seen an early version of "127 Hours". She met with him on several occasions and he said she embodied the character's spirit. She worked with a dialect coach to prepare for her role; before filming began, however, she told Boyle that she did not want any coaching. cfa1e77820

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